
Sat video reel: The dark side of the lens.

[vimeo 14074949 w=500 h=281]

This Saturday’s video is brought to you in thanks to The Part Time Backpacker , who pointed it out to me. I really enjoyed it! Another surfing one.

Edges of Sanity

Edges Of Sanity. from Finisterre on Vimeo.

So I have started this thing. Where I end up watching Vimeo staff pick videos. I know. People have been aimlessly watching YouTube videos since the end of time. Where have I been? I’m not really into that. I like videos that have purpose. That are beautiful. They sound, and feel, and speak, and flow beautifully. Not a cat with a rainbow.

Take this one, for example. Who knew a video about surfing could be so inspiring? The poem helps, of course. But I love the start. How you are following the surfer, sun just barely visible. The pour of the coffee. The sound of the waves. The clang of metal cups. It captures your senses; captures the way it would feel so that you feel part of the story.

Good Morning, World.

Morning of the World from Günther Gheeraert on Vimeo.
Enjoy this beautiful video by my new favorite professional producer (editor?).